Customer Success Program

Now that you have finished on-boarding and are using Lucy live, it's time to focus on achieving your Customer Success Utopia.

Lucy is handling some of your customers purchase orders, your Service Reps now have more time to focus on your customers needs and you can already see the value and time saved .

How do you continue to increase the value of Lucy to your organisation? 

Our Customer Success team is here to work with you to help turn your Utopia into a Reality. With ongoing feedback and discussion, we will aim to provide you with the confidence needed to evolve harmoniously with Lucy. 

Here we'll look at items such as:

  • Growth - It's important to start thinking about your goals for Lucy. You've seen what Lucy can do with your top customers, why not throw some more work her way? 

  • Updates in functionality - We are always working behind the scenes to perfect Lucy's functionality and reliability. As we implement improvements and create exciting new features, we'll let you know all about our progress.

  • Tracking of orders completed through Lucy - Use the Lucy dashboard to track your success. We'll also keep an eye your movement and raise any noted points with you for discussion.

  • Ideas & suggestions - Use the Ideas portal to let us know more about your ideas. Here, other users can read and vote on your suggestions which will then be considered to be implemented in future releases. 

Also start thinking about who in your team should be involved in these discussions. It's imperative for us to know how your users, reps, thinkers and decision makers are finding their experience with Lucy but it can also be easier to focus on this feedback in a smaller environment.   
