Find and replace incorrect values

Let Lucy Find & Replace

From time to time, your customers might submit an order with a superseded product code on it. Other customers might prefer to use their own internal SKU when ordering, rather than your published product code.  

The Document Review process is where you'll pick up these anomalies, and once a correction is made, Lucy can store it as a Code Translation for future use.


What does it look like?

The Code Translations table is essentially a collection of Find and Replace rules.  Each customer has unique ordering behaviours, so these translation records are stored against the Trading Partner; they are not global rules.  



Maintaining Code Translations

Most of your code translations will be created during the review of a flagged order, then stored in this table automatically. But you can edit or review a translation any time you like. Here's how:

  1. Select Code Translations from the Configuration menu.

  2. Select the Trading Partner you wish to view translations for. 
    Trading Partner dropdown selector

  3. Choose either Product Code, or Customer Code translations and click Apply
    Translation Field dropdown selector

  4. You'll see a list of any existing translations for this customer. From here, you can EditDelete, or Add New Record.  

  5. To edit or add a new translation, define the Original Value. This is the code Lucy is translating FROM (the 'Find' in Lucy's Find & Replace).
    Translation Original Value example

  6. Then enter the Replacement Value. This is what you want Lucy to translate TO (the 'Replace').
    Translation Replacement Value example

  7. Click Update and you're done. 


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